Sadie Kutscher

Nothing much was ever spoken about Sadie, but piecing the bits together from various parts of the family, it seemed that at some point early in her childhood she had an accident or fall, that seriously affected her mental health.

However, in late 2021 it was possible to get hold of Sadie's records from the London Metropolitan Archives and a fuller picture begins to emerge of her life.

1912 Sadie was born on the 1st November, the birth registered in 1913

1916-1917 She was first diagnosed with having mental problems at the age of 4, the 'supposed cause' being the 'Fright at 3 years at the air raids'.

Family Links

Father:  Harry Kutcher

Mother: Rosie Kutcher


Home Page

German bombing of London  started  30/32 May 1915 - Stoke Newington -Stepney - Leytonstone  
The Zeppelin Menace + switch to bomber aircraft later in 1917

There were 4 possible classifications. from the Mental Deficiency Act 1913

  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • feeble minded person
  • moral imbecile

Sadie was classified as an imbecile.

1920 - aged 8 Sadie attended Northwold Road (M.D.) School  from February until September when she was excluded.

1926 - 4th November - Consent of Parents 

  • Sadie aged 14 years
  • Order signed to send Sadie to an Institute for Defectives

1926 - 12th November -  Petition for an Order

  • Sending a defective to an Institute.
  • Sadie is defined as an 'imbecile'.
  • Harry Kutcher, the father, being a person liable to maintain her, to contribute.
  • Mental deficiency first observed 'when she was 4 years old, the supposed cause having fright at 3 years at the air raids.'
  • Religious persuasion - Hebrew
  • 'She is over the age of seven, and notice has been given .... that the child has been in attendance at a special school or class under the Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic Children) Act 1899, and was incapable of receiving further benefit from instruction in such a school or class. She has been placed under statutory supervision which now affords insufficient protection.'

1926 - 12th November - Medical Certificate 1

  • Through an examination her diagnosis as an 'imbecile' was confirmed.
  • 'She was very dull & defective in appearance & bearing. Her speech is slurred and echolalic.
  • She is not sure of her age & sex. Says she has 3 hands. Cannot copy a (picture of a) square & does not know colours.'

14th June previous examination

  • 'Similar results. Knew letters only. Said she had one eye.'
  • Facts communicated by others
    'She was tried in a special school for defectives but had to be excluded as an imbecile in 1920. Her mother states that she has had numerous & severe epileptic fits at irregular intervals.'

1926 - November 12th - Medical Certificate 2

  • 'Her appearance and behaviour are quite obviously that of an imbecile almost stuperose. Her speech is defective, she cannot count 4 objects nor copy a square nor name colours shown to her.'
  • Facts communicated by others
    'She has had fits since the age of 5 and they are getting rather worse. She could not be left alone.
    She was tried in a special (MD) school but was found to be uneducable. She has been 2 years in a private nursing home'

1927 - November 12th - Fountain Mental Hospital . Continuing Order for  ... Detention

  • Detention to be continued for another year.

1928 November 22nd Report  Fountain Mental Hospital Tooting Grove , Tooting Graveney SW 17

'The home appeared superior, and is situated in a good locality. The mother was nicely dressed.
he stated that the child was very troublesome at home, and is best away in the Institution where she is well cared for. Continued Institutional care appears necessary on account of the lack of proper control. '

1928 December 10th - Fountain Mental Hospital. Continuing Order for  ... Detention

1931 April 10th -  Caterham Mental Hospital  Caterham Surrey.

  • Stamp of this Institute on the same  Order from 12th November 1926, so most probably moved to Caterham on this date

1931 July 30th - Sadie is certified that she can safely be moved from Caterham Mental Institute to Leavesden Mental Hospital

1933 November 2nd London County Council  Report 

  • ' The family includes the mother and father of the defective and two daughters aged 19 and 17 respectively and a son aged 13. They occupy a large well kept house in a very good locality. Five rooms are let off and the family have the use of the other five. Clean and comfortably furnished.'
  • Financial position of the family: 'Father is a Civil Service Clerk and ...a contribution of 7 shillings and 6 pence is made for Sadie.
  • 'The defective was very troublesome when she was at home and the mother does not feel that she will ever be better. The parents do not ask for the return of the defective. Continued Institutional Care is advised in this case.'

1933 November 29th - Order by Board  of Control Continuing Order

  • Stay at Leavesden Mental Hospital to continue for a further 5 years.


1938 October 28th Report on the means of care and supervision which would be available on discharge ...... from Leavesden Mental Hospital. 

  • 'The family consists of parents and one daughter and son.' [Phyllis and Jack]
  • 'The mother states that she could not give the necessary care and supervision'
  • 'The parents wish the girl to remain in the Institution as they feel that she has not improved and was very troublesome in the past. In the circumstances continued institutional care would seem advisable and in accordance with the parents' wishes.'

1938 November 12th - Order by Board  of Control Continuing Order

  • Stay at Leavesden Mental Hospital to continue for a further 5 years.
1941 January 14th  - Leavesden Hospital report that Sadie is ill and the relatives are to be informed  

1943 October 28th - Sadie aged 31 years  Report on the means of care and supervision which would be available on discharge ...... from Leavesden Mental Hospital. 

  • Address: 57 Kimberley Road Cambridge

  • Composition of household: Father and mother [Harry and Rose] - grandchild and married daughter [Betty and Peter]
  • 'This family were evacuated from London when the war broke out and have rented a furnished house. The London home has been damaged by blast and is uninhabitable. From the description given of defective it would appear that the parents should not have the care and supervision of the woman.'

1944 January 3rd.  Order by Board of Control Continuing Order or Authority for Detention . Leavesden.

  • 'The Board of control having considered the requisite reports ....... with regard to the above-named patient (Sadie) ..... detention is required in his (or her) interest  .... to be continued for five years from 25th day of December 1943.'

1948 October 21st . Leavesden Hospital Report  

  • Concludes that 'the parents could not manage Sadie'.

1949 January 5th . Leavesden Hospital Report

  • The Board of control having considered the requisite reports ....... with regard to the above-named patient (Sadie) ..... detention is required in his (or her) interest  .... to be continued for five years from 25th day of December 1948.

1949 May 20th. Sadie 36 years old.  Notice of Death

  • Cause of Death:  Status Epilepticus 
  • Time and circumstances of death: '4.10 a.m. No injuries and no unusual circumstances attended the death'