Egypt 1937
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Harry, Rose, Phyllis and Jack visited Egypt in 1937. Harry's sister, Elizabeth (Isabelle) had married an Egyptian, Yahya Husein and moved to Egypt with the children in 1931.

The film was first made by Jack in 9.5mm, then converted to 8mm and now in digital has suffered some degradation. However Jack left a few notes which have helped to make sense of most of the scenes.

Port Said (Bur Sa'id)
Mosque somewhere along the Suez Canal
(Jack called him) Uncle Jack
(Yahya - see Egypt photo album)
Ras El Esh Signal Box
(Also called Ra's al `Ushsh see Map 1 below)
El Qantara Railway Station
Football match somewhere in Egypt
Pan of Cairo
Phyllis on Camel
Rose on Camel
Phyllis, Harry and Rose
Harry swimming
Algiers from the ship
Harry and Rose in Algiers
Kasbah in Algiers
Synagogue in Algiers

Strengthening of the cliffs
( Ramsgate ? The sign at the bottom says
Jellied shrimps and prawns)

Beachcombers in Ramsgate