1806: Mosiek Łopata born |
Rachel's father. Date calculated from Rachel's birth certificate |
1810: Benjamin Kon born |
Ester Laja's paternal grandfather. Date calculated from Benjamins death certificate. |
1812: Bayla Lopata born |
Rachel Lopata's mother. Date calculated from Rachel's birth certificate |
1825: Ryfka Hodis born. |
Abraham's mother. |
1825:Judah Lajb Szklarek born |
Abraham's father. |
1832: Perla Szklarek born |
Judah Lajb's sister. |
1834:Chaim Kon born |
Ester Laja's father. Date calculated from the marriage certificate below. |
1838: Rachel / Ruchla Lopata born |
22nd January. Ester Laja's mother. |
Rachel's Birth Certificate |
Translation of Rachel's Birth Certificate
Akta 7 Rypin
This happened in the city of Rypin on the second day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred thirty eight.
An Orthodox Jew Mosiek Łopata appeared personally, a day laborer residing here in Rypin, thirty one years old; in the presence of witnesses Orthodox Jews Szmul Sylbersztejn, thirty four years old, and Lejzer Raych, fifty nine years old, both residing in Rypin; and he presented to us a female child, born here in Rypin on the twenty second day of January in the current year at ten o’clock in the evening, to his wife Bajla, twenty five years old; who was given the name Rachel.
This record was read to the declarant and witnesses, it was signed by them and by Me, the Civil Registrar.
[Mosiek Łopata signed with the sign of 3 circles, the witnesses’ signatures in Hebrew follow, the Civil Registrar’s signature – in Polish, illegible] |
1844: Mariem Gitla Szklarek born |
Abraham's sister |
1858: Wedding Chaim Kon and Ruchla Lopata (Ester Laja's parents) |
10. This happened in the city of Sierpc on the twentieth of April / second of May in the year one thousand eight hundred fifty eight at two o’clock in the afternoon.
A Jew Mortka Grümbaum appeared, a local Rabbi, along with a Jew Haim Kohn, a bachelor, twenty four years old, residing in the city of Płock, a hat maker, born in the said city to Beniamin and Ryfka married couple the Kohns; and along with a Jewess Ruchla Łopata, a maiden, twenty years old, residing in the city of Sierpc with her parents Jews Moszek and Bayla married couple the Łopatas, she was born in the said city; in the presence of Moszek Łopata, the father of Ruchla Łopata, as well as in the presence of witnesses Jews Nason Danyger, a synagogue attendant, forty one years old, and [name illegible], an assistant synagogue attendant, fifty eight years old, both also residing in the city of Sierpc; and he declared that before him on this day between a Jew Haim Kohn, a bachelor, and a Jewess Ruchla Lopata, a maiden, a religious marriage was contracted and that it was preceded by three readings of the banns on the twenty ninth of March / tenth of April, the fifth / seventeenth and the twelfth / twenty fourth of April in the current year issued in the Synagogue in the city of Sierpc; and on the twenty second of March / third of April, the twenty ninth of March / tenth of April and the fifth / seventeenth of April in the current year on the Synagogue in the city of Płock. No impediment to the marriage arose.
The newlyweds announced that they have made no prenuptial agreement. This record was read to the declarants and witnesses and it was signed by them and by us, the Civil Registrar, with the exception of Ruchla Łopata and Moszek Łopata who declared that they are unable to write. [signatures follow]
1881: Army Call Up papers for Abraham Szklarek |
Age: 21 Years
Height: 2-2-2
Chest: 1-2-4
Permanent residence: Gombin
Name: Abraham Sklarok
Father: Judov/Judah
Date of issue: 8th November 1881
This would put Abrahams year of birth ~1860 which is confirmed in the Jewish Records Indexing - Poland and the Old Registration Book of Gombin (AKT454) which also shows his father Judah |
1884: ID papers / Passport for Icek Szklarek ( Iczek ; Isaac;Yitzak)
Page 1
Identity document No. AK23
Belongs to Icek Sklarok ........
Page 2
Place of birth: Gombin
District: Gostinsk
Province: Warsaw
Nationality: Jewish
Position in Society: Petty bourgeois
Profession: Tailor
Height: Small
Face: Round
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Mouth: Average
Special Features: Scar on 2nd finger of the right hand

Page 3
The Identity of Icek is verified by the Mayor of Gombin, his age being 19 years old on the 5th Febuary 1884.
This would put Icek's year of birth as ~ 1864/5 which is confirmed in the Jewish Records Indexing - Poland and the Old Registry Book of Gombin. |
1885: Abraham and Ester Laja get married |
Akta 15. This happened in the city of Płock on the twenty second of February / sixth of March in the year one thousand eight hundred eighty five at ten o’clock in the morning.
Icek Jakub Morsztejn appeared, performing the duties of the Assistant Rabbi, along with Abram Szklarek, a bachelor, twenty four years old, a resident of the city of Gąbin in the Province of Warsaw, a son of Juda Lejb and Ryfka nèe Chadys married couple the Szklareks; and with a maiden Estera Łaja Kon, twenty one years old, residing with her parents in the city of Płock, a daughter of Chaim and Rachela nèe Łopata married couple the Kons; and in the presence of witnesses Moszek Buk, sixty five years old, and Berek Natan, forty years old, synagogue attendants residing in the city of Płock; and he declared that yesterday at eight o’clock in the evening he performed a religious marriage ceremony in the presence of the above mentioned witnesses, between the aforementioned Abram Szklarek and Estera Łaja Kon; that this marriage was preceded by readings of the banns issued in the Synagogues in the city of Gąbin on the twelfth/twenty fourth, the nineteenth/thirty first of January, and the twenty sixth of January / seventh of February in the current year; and in the city of Płock on the second/fourteenth, the ninth/twenty first, and the sixteenth/twenty eighth of February in the current year; that there were no impediments to this marriage.
The newlyweds announced that they have made no prenuptial agreement. This record, after it was read to the parties present, was signed by the Assistant Rabbi, the newlyweds and witnesses. Civil Registrar, Mayor of the City of Płock [signatures]
1885: Rose Szklarek born |
18/30th December. Ester's and Abraham's daughter. |
Rose's birth registration (not fully translated yet)

1886-8: Sklareks emigrate to the UK: There are no Sklareks listed in the Gabin Book of Residents 1888 - 1930 |
1887: Bayla Lopata dies: |
Ester Laja's maternal grandmother |
1893: Ryfka Hody dies |
1894: Benjamin Kon dies |
Deathe Certificate below |
Death Certificate |
211. This happened in the city of Płock on the twentieth of December / first of January in the year one thousand eight hundred ninety four / five at one o’clock in the afternoon. Izrael Papierczyk appeared, a merchant, sixty eight years old, and Lejb Baran, a synagogue attendant, forty seven years old, residents of Płock; and they declared that on the nineteenth / thirty first of December in the current year at seven o’clock in the evening in house number thirty three on Szeroka Street in Płock Beniamin Kon died, a widower, eighty four years old, a son of Chaim and Czarna married couple the Kons, he was a resident of Płock. After the eyewitness testimony on the death of Beniamin Kon, this record was read and signed by us and the declarants. Civil Registrar [signature]
1906: Judah Lajb dies