Sarah Kutscher


  • Born: 1871, Austria/Poland

  • Census, 1891, 
    Address: 164 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel
    Living with Emanuel and Anna
    Age: 20
    Occupation: Milliner

Family Links

Father:  Israel KUTSCHER

Brother: Emanuel Kutscher

Home Page

  Click on any of the documents below to see an enlarged version



22nd August: Marriage to Morris Osowski

The marriage document would put Sarah's year of birth at 1873, and of course there is the name change to Sally or Sali, but her father's name is correct, Israel, and his occupation as a Fur Manufacturer.

On the registry list both Sarah and Sali Kutscher are given , although they put slightly different references, one being volume 1c page 839, and the other as volume 1e page 839.

However a search on reveals no section 1e, so this must have been a typo error.

Morris Osowski

Note also 2 entries for Moris & Morris both volume 1c page 839



1898: Birth of Fanny,their first daughter 1900: Birth of Israel,their first son



UK Cencus

Address: 11 Wentworth Street London

This has now changed to Osowsky

There are some discrepancies:
Page 1
Morris's age: In the year of his marriage 1897 his age was given as 20 years old, but here 14 years later he is 36 years old.
Page 2:
Sarah's origins are declared as being Germany, rather than Austria/ Poland.



Birth of Abraham, their 3rd child




There is a change in the spelling of the name from Osowski to Osowsky to Ososki - reasons unknown.

Sarah is now a Widow. There is a recorded case of a Morris Ososky dying in 1903 in Mile End (BMD records vol. 1c page 274) which may well be Sarah's husband (original record needed for confirmation).

Sarah's age at odds with previous Cencuses .The 1891 Census would put her at ~40 years old, the 1901 Census at 37 years old.
Fanny's & Abraham's ages are about right.

Israel was sent off to an orphanage, which appears to have been the common practice in those days if a widow could not support all her children.



Sarah remarries to Hyman Miller

Sarah's surname reverts to the original Osowski, but she get even younger now putting her year of birth at ~ 1879, about 8 years later than on the 1891 Cencus.

At this point or some time before Sarah and the children moved to North England.




Israel Osowski marries a Miller

Both spellings of the surname are noted: Osowski and Ososki



Electoral Register

Sarah (now Miller) and Fanny (retaining her surname Ososki) are living at the same address 98 Elizabeth Street Blackpool.




Abraham Ososki changes his name to Morrison