Hinda / Helena / Annie Smith

Hinda/ Annie / Helena and Jankel /John /Jack Lindner Wedding
at theGreat Synagogue, Dukes Place, Aldgate 



Born: 13th January   Hinda     Original surname: Zmidek

Registration of Birth: Document 218



Translation of the above.

This happened in the city of Radom on the 15th / 27th of July in the year 1890 at nine o’clock in the morning. Dawid Zmidek appeared, an unskilled laborer from the city of Chmielnik in the county of Stopnica, in the Province of Kielce, residing temporarily in the village of Firlej in the district of Wielogóra, he is thirty two years old; in the presence of Judka Rozencwejg, an industrialist, fifty seven years old, and Majlich Rozenberg, a local synagogue attendant, fifty years old, both from the city of Radom; and he presented to us a female child, born on the 1st / 13th of January in the year 1885 at one o’clock in the afternoon, to his wife Sura Gitel nèe Wolberg, thirty years old.

At the religious ceremony this child was given the name Hinda.

The delay in registering this birth is due to the father’s fault, he did not present his marriage certificate. This record was read to the declarant and witnesses and it was signed by us. The father is illiterate.



1911 Living at 33 Princes Square source - 1911 Census
1946 Died 31st October in Bournemouth aged 59
source Free BMD