Gabryl / Gabriel Smith




Born: 14th of December: Gabryl.    Original surname: Zmidek

Registration of Birth: Document 219.


Translation of the above

This happened in the city of Radom on the15th / 27th of July in the year 1891 at nine thirty in the morning. Dawid Zmidek appeared, an unskilled laborer from the city of Chmielnik in the county of Stopnica, in the Province of Kielce, residing temporarily in the village of Firlej in the district of Wielogóra, he is thirty two years old; in the presence of Judka Rozencwejg, an industrialist, fifty seven years old, and Majlich Rozenberg, a local synagogue attendant, fifty years old, both from the city of Radom; and he presented to us a male child, born as a twin on the 2nd / 14th of December in the year 1888 at five o’clock in the morning, to his wife Sura Gitel nèe Wolberg, thirty years old.

At the circumcision this child was given the name Gabryl.

The delay in registering this birth is due to the father’s fault, he did not present his marriage certificate. This record was read to the declarant and witnesses and it was signed by us. The father is illiterate.

1911 Census: Aged 21, Single.
Address - 12 Princes Square, St. Georges East
Occupation - Fancy Cardboard Maker
1912 Married: 6th March to Deborah Elburg (born 8th June 1891) in the East End of London  

Naturalised UK citizen

1936    Gabriel and Debbie at Tilly's Wedding 1936

1995 Died:15 September  


  Date of Birth Date of Death  
20th May
1914   1997  
15th August
1916 15 Sept 1995  
7th May
1918 4th December 2007 Video: " Sylvia:Then and Now"
26th December
17th August
1921 5th June 2005  
9th March
1923   1923  
22nd March